


The Services Not Sweeps model demands we ​address the homelessness crisis through public ​health and Housing First.

The Services Not Sweeps model demands we ​address the homelessness crisis through public ​health and Housing First.

We are neighbors ​and service ​providers dreaming ​of safety for ​unhoused ​residents.

We want a world where people receive the ​housing and services they need, instead of ​being needlessly pushed from campsite to ​camps​ite and having their belongings stolen.

Fighting for Dignity

Apartment Building

Housing First

A data-driven, effective approach to ​en​ding homelessness.

Blu Porta-Potties

Public health

Dignity and sanitation at ​encampments to protect our most ​vul​nerable neighbors.

Senior neighbors friendly talk

st​ronger communities

When we treat unhoused residents ​wi​th dignity, everybody benefits.

Minneapolis Minnesota

our current ​approach is ​insufficient


times single adults ​were turned away from ​shelter in Hennepin ​County in 2023.

times single adults ​were turned away from ​shelter in Hennepin ​County in 2023.



available and ​affordable apartments ​for every 100 extremely ​low income renter ​households

available and ​affordable apartments ​for every 100 extremely ​low income renter ​households



people experiencing ​unsheltered ​homelessness in ​Hennepin County.

people experiencing ​unsheltered ​homelessness in ​Hennepin County.


Our demands

  1. An end to encampment sweeps without adequate connections to permanent ​housing, including case management and supportive services.
  2. Hygiene services (adequate porta potties, handwashing stations, drinking ​water stations) and regular trash removal at every encampment in the city.
  3. A harm-reduction, public-health focused response to homelessness from the ​city of Minneapolis, including mobile showers and overdose prevention sites.
  4. Dedicated funding for new construction of permanent supportive housing in ​the city’s budget, as well as maintenance of existing public housing.
  5. A wider variety of treatment options for people with substance use disorders, ​including culturally responsive treatment and couples detox.


a coalition of individuals and organizations fighting for ​dignified housing and human rights for our unhoused ​neighbors